Foster a high-employment economy delivering social and territorial cohesion, by promoting and supporting, also financially, the cross-border mobility of workers and creating an active network operating to equilibrate the balance of two “unbalanced labour markets” complementary among themselves: Sicilian-characterized by unemployment at high levels and qualified workforce available and Maltese with a very ow unemployment rate and growing demand for labour
Specific objectives
- Foster the cross-border mobility of youths and new graduates, by activating 36 work placements for jobseekers, unemployed or disadvantaged persons using financial support instruments.
- Create and consolidate a cross-border network which will foster the mobility of workers in the program area.
Main outputs
- public notice for the allocation of 36 mobility vouchers
- information and promotional material, events, website and social channels for the promotion of the project;
- 3 Helpdesk for users assistance;
- 1 virtual platform for the matching between
- 1 collection of success stories
- follow-up report on the mobilities carried out;
- 1 collaboration protocol for the promotion of cross-border mobility of workers signed with the stakeholders in the area.
Provision of 36 cross-border mobility vouchers for job placement internships for young people, recent graduates and disadvantaged people.
Creation of a cross-border network to stimulate and support labour mobility in the area.